
Leopard is mammals and all the information about their food and everything are available on Etosha App. Leopard, (Panthera pardus), likewise called puma, huge feline firmly connected with the lion, tiger, and jaguar. The name panther was initially given to the feline presently called cheetah the purported hunting panther which was once remembered to be a hybrid of the lion and the pard. The term pard was at last supplanted by the name leopard.

The leopard can, be that as it may, develop a lot bigger. The ground tone is normally yellowish above and white underneath. Dull spots are for the most part organized in rosettes over a large part of the body and are without the focal spot normal for the layer of the jaguar; the ground variety inside the rosettes is at times a more obscure yellow, and the size and dispersing of the spots fluctuate significantly. Because of these distinctions in design, a few races of leopards have been named.

It takes care of any creatures it can overwhelm, from little rodents to waterbuck, however by and large goes after the more modest and medium-sized impalas and deer; it seems to have an exceptional preference for canines as food and, in Africa, for monkeys. It now and then takes domesticated animals and may go after human beings.


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