In 2020, where nature is neglected for modern needs, whether it be plants or animals, it is our sole duty to protect what lives amongst us on this planet. As humans, we must use our voice for those with no voice. 

The rapid growth in urbanization and industrialization due to growth in population in the recent era has taken a heavy toll on wildlife. Global warming and pollution make it worse which threatens the environment as well as the wildlife. Food shortages, forest fires and an increasing number of predators have led to the extinction and endangerment of many species. Poachers kill these innocent species for the illegal trade of their body parts. Elephants are massively poached for ivory, rhinoceros are poached in Assam for their horns. All of these illegal trading and activities have been a huge threat which is leading wildlife species towards extinction.

What are some ways we can save endangered species?

Protect wildlife habitat:

Just like us humans, our home is our comfort zone where we eat, sleep and roam freely without fear of the outside world. Don’t you think animals deserve that life too? 

One of the biggest threats these endangered species face is the destruction of their habitats. Wildlife should have places to find shelter to raise their younglings, protect themselves from climatic crises, to find food but modern infrastructure demands over-grazing, gas and oil drilling and overall construction work for their development which destroys their natural habitats. According to wildlife specialists, the best way to protect these endangered species is to protect the special places where they live and prosper because, through that, the entire communities of animals and plants can be saved from extinction.  Wildlife sanctuaries should be made to ensure the protection of the areas of ecological significance. Under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 various provisions for protecting habitats of wildlife, are constructed to ensure the protection of wildlife species. 

Wildlife refuges, wildlife sanctuaries, parks, zoos and other open spaces should stay clear of any danger. By getting involved through volunteering work or donations at your local nature center or wildlife sanctuaries, we can have a huge impact on these endangered species by helping them live the life they deserve. You can check out volunteer projects in Namibia which have a wide variety of Parks like Etosha National park which is a huge animal sanctuary itself. 

Learn and get educated about endangered species in your area:

Learning about the wildlife around you can do a lot more than we expect. Learning helps us with gaining importance and interest and by teaching our kids and family members about these species, we can provoke the significance of animals and plants in them, including essential services like clean water, food and health sources. 

Today’s youth are too intrigued by modern life which is absorbing their creativity. Nature helps with kindness, and meditation boosts humanity and by gaining knowledge about these species, they can pass it on to the future which can further help these wildlife species from extinction because remember, extinction means forever and endangered means we still have time. 

Animal cruelty and inhumane acts:

Innocent animals who are hunted down and captured, and later kept for either smuggling as luxurious household items, or as a showcase on entertainment, platforms fuel the animal cruelty around the globe. 

Hunting down wildlife is illegal and inhumane. Confining innocent species for entertainment needs is cruel. Trapping, shooting and forcing the endangered animal into captivity can lead to extinction and one should voice out openly for such illegal activities. Don’t participate or let anyone participate, report it as soon as you see such activities taking place nearby to authorities. Let’s help safeguard animals from detrimental human actions by urging the government to establish better wildlife protection laws, taking legal actions against animal exploitation and funding the animal sanctuaries. 

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